(Wo)Man of the Year

September 18, 2012 § 2 Comments

Ah, GQ. What can one say about them? Classy men’s magazine with serious journalists writing about serious things, known for their Man of the Year. Now I didn’t actually know this but they also have a Woman of the Year and this year that prestigious, highly coveted honour goes to Lana Del Ray (who moonlights as a model for H&M).

Here are the covers celebrating her, and her male counterparts’ achievements:

The covers of GQ Magazing featuring a naked Lana Del Ray

No idea which one is Lana.

I dare you to guess which one is hers. Hard isn’t it? Also inside, there is this picture:

Lana Del Ray's photoshoot inside GQ Magazine

Grab that boob like there is no tomorrow Headless Man

Why GQ, why? I actually don’t mind the interior photoshoot and I haven’t seen the rest so I have no idea if they are all overtly sexual. I also don’t have a problem with female nudity – my problem lies with the fact that she is the only female and therefore by default she is naked.

Again I ask GQ why? Why do you bother being so stereotypical with your readers? Do you think that your male readers see tall standing men in suits and the naked woman sitting down and think ‘ah equality at last?’ The mere fact that she’s sitting down suggests to me that the accolade is too much for any woman to bear. Sit down love, and get naked!

She would have looked amazing in a matching suit standing up, don’t you think?

Also on a vaguely related note what did Robbie Williams do this year to win Man of the Year? I suppose I’ll have to buy the magazine to find out or die never knowing. I bet you can’t guess which one I’ll chose.

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